Cuidado experto de la piel
Your skin deserves expert attention, and the board-certified dermatologists at GMA ensure that it does. Our approach is to educate patients about sun safety and skin protection, while offering excellent clinical care that puts patients first. Count on Dr. Kelly Thomas to diagnose and treat a wide variety of skin conditions from routine to complex. Along with our compassionate approach to care, we offer advanced skin therapies, including Mohs, with Dr. Maggie Kober.
Una cirugía micrográfica, la cirugía de Mohs es considerada la técnica más efectiva para tratar los dos tipos más comunes de cáncer de piel: carcinomas de células basales (CBC) y carcinomas de células escamosas (CCS). El procedimiento se realiza en etapas, incluyendo análisis de laboratorio, mientras el paciente espera. Permite la extirpación de todas las células cancerosas para lograr la mayor tasa de curación, sin afectar el tejido sano y dejando la menor cicatriz posible.
¿Es seguro el protector solar?
The dermatologists at GMA are here to help you make informed decisions about your health. Here, you’ll find answers to common sunscreen questions.
Recently Valisure LLC announced the organization tested and detected high levels of benzene, a known human carcinogen, in several brands and batches of sunscreen. Here is a list of products that did NOT test positive for benzene.
If you have other questions about the safety of sunscreen, ask one of our board-certified dermatologists.