Virtual Visits. Real Convenient.
If you’re an established patient (you’ve visited us at least once in the last three years), we invite you to take advantage of our virtual doctor visits. These visits are for either an acute issue like a possible bladder infection or cough, or if you need blood pressure, cholesterol, or depression medication filled. This is NOT for urgent or emergent care.
Here’s how virtual office visits work:
- Like all visits with your provider (in-office and virtual), you will receive a text message asking you to confirm your appointment and verify your information.
- Then, about 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled virtual visit, you will receive a call from the medical assistant (MA) to:
- Get you checked in for your appointment and go over the reason for your visit.
- Next, you will receive a text message.
- Click on the link in the text and the system will automatically open your browser.
- The system may ask for permission to access your microphone and camera. Please click “YES”.
- You will be placed in the “waiting room” and the Provider will join shortly.
- Set up the camera on your phone or tablet so you can sit comfortably with the camera showing your shoulders, head and neck.
- Use a phone holder device so you can be hands free.
- Consider a set of earbuds with microphone for better voice reception and projection.
- Choose a quiet room with bright light for your face.
- Have a flashlight handy for close ups of your throat or a rash.
Please gather your vital signs in advance of your call with the MA.
- Recent weight
- Recent height, if possible
- Blood pressure measurement, (if you are over 60, or on blood pressure meds)
- Easy-to-use, inexpensive blood pressure monitor—Omron BP710N at Target, Walmart or Amazon
- Pulse rate at rest today: count your pulse rate for 6 sec and multiply by 10
- Temperature, check under your tongue or via a forehead scanner
- Oxygen level for those with lung problems, asthma, COPD, pneumonia, etc.
- Easy to use, accurate and inexpensive fingertip monitors— Zacurate 500BL Fingertip Pulse Oximeter, available at most drug stores or on Amazon
- A list of your current prescription medications to be reconciled with our chart
We look forward to meeting with you soon.